cut it out / iyok prayogo
Iyok Prayoga
Cut It Out
Iyok Prayoga
22 October – 3 November 2013
Iyok Prayogo ’s exhibition ‘Cut It Out’ is a carnival grotesque of images hijacked from history; Nazi propaganda, the Vietnam war, Cambodian killing fields or the G8 protests are cut and pasted alongside pop culture, horror movies and the artist’s favourite bands. It’s all uncredited, out of context, and treated with spectacular disregard for the 20th century’s grand narratives.
Trying to pin down a singular unifying statement or message from all of this is not easy, and indeed, Iyok deliberately resists that expectation. His images are anarchic, transgressive and in-your-face; they are from the perspective of a pirate, not a preacher. “Cut It Out” does not offer solutions; rather it’s a call to take up your scissors and create havok with them.
Since he was a teenager Iyok has been fascinated by countercultures and the punk movement and this continues to influence his work. Having graduated from Institut Seni Indonesia (Yogyakarta) almost a decade ago, he is a skilled image-maker across multiple disciplines and has exhibited nationally and internationally.
More images from Opening Night here
Pameran Iyok Prayogo ‘Cut It Out’ adalah carnival grotesque gambar yang dibajak dari sejarah; propaganda Nazi, perang Vietnam, bidang pembunuhan Kamboja atau protes G8 dipotong dan disisipkan bersama budaya pop, film horor dan band favorit dia. Semuanya uncredited, di luar konteks, dan diperlakukan dengan mengabaikan bagi grand narratives abad ke-20….
Sulit untuk membuat pernyataan pemersatu atau message dari semua ini, dan memang, Iyok sengaja menolak harapan itu. Gambar dia anarkis, transgresif dan in-your-face, dan adalah dari perspektif seorang pirate, bukan preacher. “Cut It Out” tidak menawarkan solusi, melainkan itu panggilan untuk mengambil gunting dan membuat chaos
Sejak dia masih remaja Iyok telah terpesona dengan countercultures dan gerakan punk dan ini terus mempengaruhi karyanya. Setelah lulus dari Institut Seni Indonesia (Yogyakarta) hampir satu dekade lalu, dia adalah perupa di berbagai disiplin ilmu dan telah dipamerkan secara nasional dan internasional.
More images from Opening Night here