Agugn Prabowo : We Went Wild
We Went Wild
Agugn Prabowo
Krack Studio, Yogyakarta
5 September until 5 October 2015
papermaking workshop 3pm Saturday 12 September 2015
Curated by Roy Voragen
Agugn Prabowo graduated in 2010 from the Institute of Technology Bandung’s art school, where he studied at the printmaking studio. Today, he is well known for his art utilizing the printmaking technique linocut.
In his previous artworks, the artist explored the ambiguous notion of fear; the ambiguity of fear revolves around the issue that fear, while generally unwanted, can have unexpected yet ultimately worthy consequences. The new body of work expands on this concept and centers on the idea of how paradoxical protection actually is. The artist became a father two years ago and fatherhood shed new light on his life and life’s priorities. He wants to protect the infant – named Lino Apta – and keep him safe from harm, however, he knows, in anxious anticipation, that protection has its limits, hence the paradox…
In his solo exhibition We Went Wild at Krack Studio, he shows a hand-made artist book (in an edition of 10, also available as a digital offset print version, and each page framed as well), which is a collaboration with his child, using linocut and letterpress techniques.