Resistance is Futile!!!
Resistance is Futile
17 May until 18 June 2017
Krack! Studio, Yogyakarta
Attention Citizens of Earth:
This month Krack presents a new project called “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!!!” The title of course refers to the famous statement by the Borg in Star Trek films; “We are the Borg… You will be assimilated… Resistance is Futile.” (proof here)
For this exhibition we invited friends from print studios around the world to design a poster for a fictional science fiction movie. They interpreted the theme in all sorts of ways; some explored how contemporary global politics is unfolding: do we have hope for the future? Or is resistance futile? Others explored the medium of screenprint itself: is the screenprinted poster still a medium for resistance movements, or has it become a luxury commodity for the Art market? The works have all been executed in eye-popping sci-fi detail. The future awaits you; Resistance is Futile!
Artists and studios included:
Julienne Mei Tan, Raksasa Print (Kuala Lumpur)
Gregor Koerting, Idle Beats (Shanghai)
Olivia Trainor, P-Lab (Dunedin, New Zealand)
Michael Fikaris, Silent Army (Melbourne)
Andy Horne, Flying Pony (Toronto)
Julien Poulsen, Sticky Fingers (Phnom Penh)
Pakito Bolino, Le Dernier Cri (Marseilles)
Dwiky KA, Reja Kutjh, Enkah Nkomr, Chrisna Fernand, Barasub (Yogyakarta)
Grafis Huruhara (Jakarta)
Antonius Ipur, Danang Catur, Erwan Hersi Susanto, Yudha Sandy, Mulyakarya (Yogyakarta)
Cut & Rescue (Jakarta)
Rkhmad Dwi Septian, Bagus Priyo Milisi Fotocopi (Surabaya)
Riandi Karuniawan, Perkasa (Bandung)
We figured, why stop at the sci fi posters? Why not build a spaceship?
Kepet at the check-in, serving cocktails
Rudi, Moki giving the speech, and me. That’s Julien from Sticky Fingers on the left.
l-r: Krack (yogya) – Grafis Huruhara (Jakarta) – Raksasa (Kuala Lumpur)
left to right: Barasub (Yogya) – Silent Army (Melbourne) – Milisi Fotocopy (Surabaya) – Cut & Rescue (Jakarta)
l to r: Idle Beats (Shanghai) – Le Dernier Cri (Marseilles) – Mulyakary (Yogya) – Perkasa (Bandung)
Flying Pony (Toronto) – Sticky Fingers (Phnom Penh) – P-Lab (Dunedin NZ)
The cops turned up to see what the noise was at about 11pm. Moki used his charm on them. Note the vulcan salute.
More detail: