The Paper Trail

The Paper Trail

A workshop about working with paper

Presented by ANU School of Art and Krack Studio

Indonesian Visual Art Archive

10am – 4pm, Friday September 13, 2013

‘Work on paper’ can mean anything from posters, illustrations, and etchings to papercuts, artist books, or even installations.  Works on paper are usually available in editions and are highly sought after by collectors and institutions around the world.

There is great potential to develop ‘work on paper’ in Indonesia as an alternative for artists to the mainstream art market. However what holds it back is that few artists here know what the standards are in terms of how to source, work with, and look after paper. Until both artists and collectors are confident that their works meet minimum standards, the opportunities for artists working on paper in Indonesia will remain limited.

Over the course of this workshop our panel of artists, conservators, academics and collectors will discuss the importance of ‘archival’ and ‘conservation’ practices, and how to work with and look after paper. The workshop will focus specifically on the unique conditions and available materials in Indonesia.

Speakers (session 1)

  • Patsy Payne (ANU)
  • John Pratt (ANU)
  • Pahlevi Syahrizal (artist)
  • Elly Kent (moderator)

Speakers (session 1)

  • Christine Cocca (collections manager)
  • RE Hartanto (Artist)
  • Jerry Chamberland (collector)
  • Malcolm Smith (moderator)

These sessions will be presented bilingually, with translators.

Many thanks to IVAA for the Photos

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