Mella’s Leatherman
This week we printed an edition on leather hides for Mella Jaarsma. They are huge, and the process of printing them was quite challenging, but fun. I love them. The image comes from a work she made recently in the Phillipines. The title is “The Power Seeker”
Mellas image was 2m high and 85cm wide. We happened to have a couple of screens we’d made for our 3D show that were just right for the image. Given the size of the work, nobody in Yogya had a lightbox big enough to expose the screen emulsion, so we did it the old fashioned way – 7 seconds in the sun.
cleaning those big screens is a bitch! the emulsions is still very soft so you have to go very gently otherwise the fine detail can be washed away
touching up the screens before we print.
The images include a hand painted ‘satellite dish’
Mella signing her work