Amina McConvell residency

In December and January, we hosted Amina McConvell, a young artist from Darwin, Australia, for a month long residency at Krack. Amina works at Northern Centre for Contemporary Art in Darwin, a publicly funded contemporary artspace with a long history working indigenous communities from the Top End of Australia, as well as artists from across South East Asia. I was the program manager at NCCA (then called 24HR Art) from 2002 – 2005, so I have a soft spot for those guys!

Amina came to Darwin to research and prepare some work for exhibitions she is planning for Sydney later in the year. Yogya is the ideal city for artists who need space and time to immerse themselves in their practice without the distractions of daily life. (Well… she married her partner Sadat while she was here, I guess that distracted her a bit).

This was the second residency we’ve hosted (Sip Club was the first) where we’ve just handed the gallery space over to the artist to play in. We quite like it, its nice seeing someone having fun in the gallery and seeing an exhibition slowly take shape in the space.

Small_ Amina Studio 1 Small_ Amina Studio 3

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